Dearborn County, In. — Dearborn County Recycling Center hosts 9th annual Costume Swap event October 9 through 12 from noon to 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, and Fridays October 15 through 26 from noon to 6 p.m.
Last year 350 people saved money on costumes and helped reduce waste.
Currently, there are about 1,000 costumes for adults and children available. The inventory includes masks, wigs, makeup accessories and décor.
Participants are asked to bring a costume (clean and in good condition) to exchange for a new or gently worn costume.
Single items may be exchanged for similar items (e.g. a mask can be exchanged for a mask). Those without a costume to exchange are asked to make a donation to the reuse program.
Costume Swap is open to all southeastern Indiana residents.