Council Approves BFD Belterra Request

Fire Chief Brian Hardebeck and Lt. Lucas Garvey asked Batesville City Council Monday night for Belterra Funds to make purchases toward a pair of firehouse programs. Council approved the $18,523 request. (WRBI Photo)

(Batesville, IN) – Batesville City Council approved an $18,523 Belterra Funds request from the fire department Monday night for two projects at the firehouse.

Chief Brian Hardebeck and Lt. Lucas Garvey went before council, asking for funds to purchase an inflatable house for the fire education and prevention program at schools and various events; a forcible entry prop, and two mannequins to enhance the department’s training program.

“We’re going to put these pieces of equipment to good use educating the community and ourselves, so it should be a success for us and the community,” Hardebeck said.

The chief added the inflatable house features teaching tools such as potential fire hazards, smoke detector awareness, and includes fire prevention tips both inside and out.

Lt. Garvey says the forcible entry prop allows firefighters to hone skills in-house instead of traveling out of the department’s jurisdiction. He says it simulates different types of locked doors.

He adds one of the mannequins simulates a 22-pound toddler and the other, a 220-pound adult to provide firefighters with diverse victim removal training.

“We’re extremely fortunate and grateful for the opportunity that we have here and we’re really looking forward to being able to put these things to to work, and very thankful for everybody who helped bring this to fruition,” Garvey said.

Batesville Fire and Rescue has secured a $5,000 grant from the Franklin County Community Foundation plus another $1,000 in donations for the training items.

The department is expected to take delivery on the inflatable house and entry prop in an estimated eight to 12 weeks.