Greensburg, IN — Since the water main break earlier this month, and increasingly over the last 48 hours, there have been several questions or comments about the taste and odor returning to the city’s water. The Greensburg Water Treatment Plant stated that they have been pulling water from Flat Rock directly and bypassing the reservoir, which was identified as the source of the taste and odor issue.
While it was impossible to pump from Flat Rock at certain times due to river conditions, it has been the priority source for water for the City. The water being produced now is of higher quality than in the past, but the taste and odor problem will need to continue to work its way out of the system according to Superintendent Rick Denny. To help facilitate this process, the Greensburg Water Treatment staff flushed fire hydrants at the furthest points throughout the system today on Thursday. Throughout this entire process, the water has been disinfected, filtered, and is safe per IDEM and EPA regulations according to Denny.
All City of Greensburg water testing results and framework is available for public review on the IDEM website and can be viewed by clicking here. Residents can also contact the Water Plant directly at 812-663-2641 with questions or concerns.