City is flushing water mains Thursday and Friday

Batesville, IN — The Batesville Water Utility will be flushing water mains today and tomorrow throughout the city.

This is done to help remove sediment and can lower the water pressure in the areas that are being flushed. Also during this time, it is possible that iron and magnesium can be in the water and cause clothing and items to be stained if in the wash. As well as may seem unsightly to drink.

If you have any questions, they can be directed to Eric Laker during business hours at 812-934-3811 or non-business hours at 812-212-8532.
Flushing will begin around 5 am each day

Thursday :
• Tekulve Avenue and East Pearl Street east of Eastern Avenue
• Township Line Road
• Lammers Pike including all areas on the north side of SR 46
• All of Mitchell Avenue from Mitchell Avenue to Columbus Avenue
• All of Huntersville Road north of Columbus Avenue
• All of Columbus Avenue west of Mulberry
• EGS Boulevard Lakeshore Drive, Valley Drive and Court
• All of Hillendale
• SR 129
• Coonhunters Road and County Road 1400 to Crossroads which includes all of SR 229 south of Batesville
• All of Delaware Road

• All areas of Batesville Water system not flushed Thursday.