BATESVILLE – City officials are assisting organizers of a September run/walk in Batesville.
The Batesville Community Education Foundation (BCEF) and Mayor’s Youth Council are working together to sponsor this year’s Batesville K12 Mascot Run. The event will be held at Liberty Park on Saturday, September 27.
It consists of three separate run/walk events; the BCEF K12, Applefest 5K, and Family Fun 3K Trail Trek.
Participants will register for a local school, either public or private. Any school with 100 people taking part will receive $500 from BCEF. Runners and walkers are encouraged to dress as their favorite mascot or in their school’s spirit wear.
Proceeds beyond the $500 for individual schools will benefit BCEF and the Liberty Trails.
“As a community education foundation, we would like to create an event that brings the community together while supporting our schools,” said Batesvile Community Education Foundation administrator Kelly Poltrack.
City Council agreed Monday to help with funding by voting to donate $1,000 to the event.