Chargers Cross Country Competes in Small School Invite

The North Decatur boys and girls cross country team competed in one of Indiana’s largest invitationals at the Blue River Cross Country Course in Shelbyville. The girls team finished 12th out of 38 teams, and the boys placed 22nd.

Girls Results: Leading the way for the 2nd meet in a row was Junior Dorothy Robbins 26:28 followed by freshman Norah Amberger crossing the finish line in 27:12.  Ava Lecher 28:17, Jewel Verseman 29:17 and Lauren Miller 30:15 rounded out the top 5 scorers for North.  Also putting in great efforts were Olivia Reisman 30:31, Jessie Biltz 30:32, Emerson Gunn 30:38, Brooklyn White 31:34 and Cecilia Barber 35:52.

Boys Results: Junior Eli Weisenbach ran a season best time of 19:41.  Jackson White ran a great race finishing in 21:54 followed by teammate Harper Gunn in 22:20. Sophomore newcomer Cletus Rennekamp ran a 23:54, Sam Cathey 24:26, freshamn Logan Summey ran a season low in 26:31 and Junior Teagna Striecker set a new PR in a time 26:43.  Freshman Clayton Ruf had a solid effort in 29:51 followed by Jake Dimett with a time 32:48 to round out the participants for the Chargers.

The Chargers look forward to a great week of practice and improvement as they prepare for two more invites this week beginning Thursday at the South Decatur Invitiational and finishing up at the Rushville Invitational on Saturday.

(Submitted by the school’s athletic department.)