Cardinals And Bengals Split Basketball Games

st-louis-schoolThe Greendale Bengals defeated The St. Louis Cardinals 24-19 in 5th Grade Boys Basketball action.

Cardinals Scoring. Hank Ritter – 9 pts, Conner Miles – 7 pts, Evan Flaspohler – 5 pts, Carson Meyer – 3 pts.

Courtesy of Cardinals Coach Jerry Roell.

The St. Louis Cardinals 6th grade boys basketball team defeated a very good Greendale team tonight by a score of 31-24.

The Cardinals started slow and were down 10-3 at the end of the 1st quarter and battled hard to tie the game 10-10 at halftime. The 3rd quarter was hard fought with Greendale leading 20-19 at the conclusion. Then in the 4th quarter, the Cardinals managed to pull away with clutch free throw shooting. The Cardinals made 10 of 13 free throws in the 4th quarter to seal the win.

The team was led in scoring by Charlie Schebler (16), Alec Bunselmeier (6), Ben Harmeyer (4), Noah Tuveson (3), and Frank Forbeck (2). Another key aspect of the win was the effort of Nate Vankirk, Luke Meyers and Jack Hollins who played really aggressive defense!

This concludes the 6th grade boys basketball season who posted an impressive 12 and 2 record and champions of the annual St. Louis tournament. Each player scored and made significant contributions to the success of this team throughout the season. St. Louis is blessed to have a talented 6th grade basketball team that should achieve much success in the years to come and more importantly we are blessed with terrific young men who represented St. Louis with much pride and respect. The team would like to thank everyone for their support throughout the season!

Courtesy of Cardinals Coach Ryan Schebler.