Community Calendar

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Monthly Smorgasbord Dinner

St. John's Lutheran Church, Napoleon 8903 Versailles St, Napoleon, IN, United States

St. John’s Lutheran Church of Napoleon “Smorgasbord dinner” ham, German hot potato salad, homemade coffee cakes, etc) Serving is 4:30-7:00 PM Everyone is welcome. Carryouts are available. Per person charge.

Ripley County Chamber of Commerce 19th Annual Golf Scramble

Hillcrest Golf & Country Club 850 N Walnut St., Bateville, IN, United States

Includes: 18 holes of golf, cart, driving range, box lunch, prizes, & awards! Team- $400 Individual- $100 All players must have their own clubs and soft spiked shoes! Reserve your team today by calling the [...]

St. Leon Vol. Fire Dept. Festival

Smoked Pork Chop (limited quantity available) OR Fish Dinners will be served on Friday, Aug 2 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm EDST. Chicken Dinners will be served on Saturday. Aug. 3 from 3:30 pm – [...]

Bill Giltz 17th Annual Memorial Golf Outing

North Branch Golf Course

11:00 - Registration & Lunch 12:00 Shotgun Start (Dinner Following Completion of Play) Proceeds first benefit the Bill Giltz Memorial Scholarship which recognizes both a Boy’s and Girl’s eighth-grade basketball player and awards them a [...]

IGA /Brookville Kiwanis Cookout

Join the Brookville Kiwanis as they join Joe from IGA to cook up some delicious grilled burgers, smoked chops, chicken breasts, and rib-eyes for lunch. Proceeds earned by the Brookville Kiwanis will go to scholarships [...]

Springhill Presbyterian Church Pork Chop Dinner

$10.00 Per Meal Porkchop, baked beans, corn on the cob (if available), applesauce, dessert Extra Chop: $3.00 Child Meal: $2.00 Hot dog, baked beans, corn on the cob (if available), applesauce, dessert Carry out available [...]

8th Annual Batesville Bash

Downtown Batesville

The Batesville Bash is in downtown Batesville For more information about the events going on at the websites below or

Huge Rummage Sale & Bake Sale

The Solid Rock Bible Fellowship Church

Solid Rock Bible Fellowship Church, Napoleon (corner of Harrison & Monroe Streets, Napoleon) Huge rummage & Bake Sale Big sale, nice items - clothing (all sizes-name branding including American Eagle, Justice, Nike, etc), toys, dishes, [...]

One Cup, One Heart

One Cup, One Heart Learn about Greensburg's newest non-profit coffee shop and community gathering space! Saturday, August 3rd 10:00 a.m. Join us at the Library to learn more about Greensburg's newest non-profit, a coffee house and [...]

2nd Annual Dirt Drag Race For Caleb

Decatur County Fairgrounds 1635 W. Park Rd., Greensburg, IN, United States

This race is the Annual Memorial Race for Caleb Brown. Caleb was a big part of Southern Indiana Dirt Drags races. Southern Indiana Dirt Drags will be donating the proceeds from this race to the [...]


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To get your event on our calendar, please submit this form at least two weeks in advance. We reserve the right to edit content and deny events that don’t meet our standards. But if you’re an authorized representative of a bona fide community organization, you’ll be okay.