Community Calendar

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Community Salsa Competition

Downtown Batesville

Do you make mean salsa? Ready to show it off? Enter to win FGA's Salsa Competition! Enter as a individual or team: 1st Place: $50 2nd Place: $30 3rd Place: $20 Register, call/text 812-212-3210 or [...]

Hubbellfest – Chicken Dinner

St. John Lutheran Church, Hubbells Corner 12523 N Dearborn Rd, Sunman, IN, United States

Hubbellfest Chicken Dinner Basket raffles & kids' games  

St. Nicholas Education Center Ribbon Cutting

St. Nicholas Church 6461 E. St. Nicholas Dr., Sunman, IN

Come and celebrate the blessing & dedication of the St. Nicholas Education Center! Archbishop Thompson will bless the building and self-guided tours and lunch will follow. Holy Mass will be at 10 am for those [...]

Carnegie Hall Open for Tours

Location- 14687 Main Street, Moores Hill Open Sundays 1-5 pm or by appointment. Carnegie Hall houses three museums, with exhibits featuring local military, Indiana history, and local college, school and memorabilia from the town. More [...]


Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States


Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

St. Louis Church Festival 2019

St. Louis Parish 13 E St Louis Pl, Batesville, IN, United States

Fried Chicken and Roast Beef Dinners will be served from 11:00-4:00 in our air-conditioned, handicapped accessible Parish Activity Center. Adults- $11.00 Children 10 and Under- $6.00 Outdoor Dining- Full menu including our famous Mock Turtle [...]

Community Blood Drive

A Community Blood Drive will be held on Tuesday, August 6th at St. Maurice Church Hall in Napoleon from 12:30 until 6:00 Pm Donors may schedule an appointment online at For more information call [...]


Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

Send Us Your Event

To get your event on our calendar, please submit this form at least two weeks in advance. We reserve the right to edit content and deny events that don’t meet our standards. But if you’re an authorized representative of a bona fide community organization, you’ll be okay.