Community Calendar

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8th Annual Corinne’s Believer 5K Walk/Run

The Corinne's Believers is presenting the 8th Annual Believers 5K walk/Run Registration starts at 9: oo Am Walk/Run starts at 10:00 Am Location: Chris and Aimee Richey's Residence (The Chouse) 5267 N Hamburg Rd Oldenburg, [...]

Carnegie Hall Open for Tours

Location- 14687 Main Street, Moores Hill Open Sundays 1-5 pm or by appointment. Carnegie Hall houses three museums, with exhibits featuring local military, Indiana history, and local college, school and memorabilia from the town. More [...]

Aurora’s Second Sunday Music

Location- Aurora City Park, 413 Park Ave., Aurora Performace by My Brother's Keeper. More information at 812-926-1100

Pinterest Free Craft Day

Tyson Library 325 W. Tyson Street, Versailles, IN, United States

August 12 – Pinterest Free Craft Day at the Tyson library. This program is for adults only. Come join us as we make the craft of the month. Register by calling the library at 812-689-5894 [...]


Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States


Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

Southeastern Indiana YMCA Blood Drive

Southeastern Indiana YMCA 30 State Road 129 S, Batesville, IN, United States

Come lend an arm and donate blood to someone in need! You could be their HERO! Every 3 seconds someone is in need of a blood donation. Eligibility: Donors must be 17 years old (16 [...]

Voices of Indiana Youth Choir Audition Announcement

Community Fellowship Church 505 Bielby Rd, Lawrenceburg, IN, United States

Audition Dates: 8/12, 8/19, 8/26 4–7 PM Grades K - 12 Learn more at Contact: Faith Walker 812-926-8242 or


Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States


Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

Send Us Your Event

To get your event on our calendar, please submit this form at least two weeks in advance. We reserve the right to edit content and deny events that don’t meet our standards. But if you’re an authorized representative of a bona fide community organization, you’ll be okay.