Community Calendar

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Gaming Unplugged

Batesville Memorial Public Library 131 N. Walnut St., BATESVILLE, IN, United States

Join us for Gaming Unplugged. Ages 3rd - 8th grade. Registration is required.

St. Peters United Church of Christ Ladies Aid

St Peters Church 1463 W County Rd 700 N, Osgood, IN, United States

Sandwich, salad, and a taco bar! Includes Ham, Turkey, Cheese & veggies for sandwiches, Tacos, Hotdogs, and a variety of Salads including ham & chicken salad, and a variety of desserts Serving 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. [...]

Tree City Fall Festival

Courthouse Square, Greensburg, Indiana 150 Courthouse Square, Greensburg, IN, United States

"40 Years of Festival Fun" parade, vendors, and a chilli cook-off questions? email:

Tonk Card Game

Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

Shrine Club Steak Dinner

Shrine Club 15626 US 50, Dillsboro, United States

Southeastern Indiana Shrine Club Steak Dinner- Everyone Welcome - Open to the public T-Bone Steak, Smoked Pork Chops, Chicken, Steakburger Moores Hill potatoes or baked potatoes, Vegetables, Drop biscuits with apple butter, Vegetable soup, Salad, [...]

Bridge Card Game

Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

St. Leon Bricktoberfest

American Legion Post 464 St. Leon 28866 Post 464 Rd, Brookville, IN, United States

German atmosphere with live German music, beer, food, games, and pie auction! Famous pork chop dinner Saturday evening. For more information call: 812-209-8002

Crackaway Daze II

New Point New Point, IN, United States

Family Festival good food and music, a parade, and lots of flea market booths Fun for Everyone! Entertainment Lineup 2019 Saturday: Eureka Band - 12 pm Tri-County Harmonizers - 1 pm Heartland Cloggers - 2 [...]

NACC 13th Annual Golf Outing

North Branch Golf Course

Sponsored by New Alsace Conservation Club at North Branch Golf Course (I-74 New Point Exit) All proceeds benefit kids going to the Karl E. Kelly Conservation Camp 18 Holes, Tee Time @ 8AM Prizes, morning [...]

Send Us Your Event

To get your event on our calendar, please submit this form at least two weeks in advance. We reserve the right to edit content and deny events that don’t meet our standards. But if you’re an authorized representative of a bona fide community organization, you’ll be okay.