Community Calendar

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Family Fall Fest Versailles

Courthouse Square, Versailles

Family Fall Fest and 1st Annual 'Shop Local' Holiday Showcase! cornhole, booth, kids stuff, music, food Tyson & main in Versailles

Franklin County Humane Society’s Fall Shot Clinic

Franklin County Fairgrounds, Brookville

All dogs must be leashed.  All cats in carriers.  This is for everyone's safety. Cash, credit card, or check accepted with proper I.D. All vaccines are $12 except for Bordetella (canine kennel cough) which is [...]

Vaughn Fischer Benefit

American Legion Post 464 St. Leon 28866 Post 464 Rd, Brookville, IN, United States

4 year-olds diagnosed with CPS 6 pm - Live Auction Music Dinner Basket Raffle and Split the Pot Donation of desserts would be appreciated! For more information call: 812-202-2607

Milan High School Alumni Dance

Milan American Legion Post 235 318 E Indian Trail, Milan, IN, United States

$10 per person Music provided by Inner Soul Band Open to all MHS alumni age 21+ Snacks provided For tickets: Sandy Schonegg Richey- 813-785-6974 Debra Volz Combs- 812-212-9707 Tickets also available at the Milan 54 [...]

Carnegie Hall Open for Tours

Carnegie Hall 14687 Main St, Moores Hill, IN, United States

Open Sunday - 1 pm to 5 pm or by appointment Carnegie Hall was built in 1907 as an additional building for the College of Moores Hill. It houses 3 museums, a local Military, Indiana [...]

St. Mary’s of the Rock Annual Turkey Festival

St. Mary's of the Rock 17440 St Marys Rd, Batesville, IN, United States

Serving 11am-4pm Carryouts are available. Adults: $12  Children: $6 Country Store and Children's Games Located between Oldenburg and Brookville at 17440 St. Mary's Road or I-74, exit 156 (Sunman/Milan), go north and follow signs.

Euchre Tournament

A Euchre Tournament will be held at American Legion Post 452, New Alsace on Sunday, October 13, 2019. Doors open at 12:00 noon and games begin at 1:00 p.m. Entry fee is $5. Cash payout [...]


Golden Gate Community Choir Practice

Osgood Methodist Church 313 S Walnut St, Osgood, IN, United States

You are not obligated to attend every practice, but you are encouraged to attend as many as possible! This year's Christmas cantata, Come Let Us Adore You, which features familiar songs such as Away in [...]

Pinterest Free Craft Day

Tyson Library 325 W. Tyson Street, Versailles, IN, United States

This program is for adults only. Come join us as we make the craft of the month. Register by calling the library at 812-689-5894 or register online at under the events calendar tab. Just click on [...]

Tonk Card Game

Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

Send Us Your Event

To get your event on our calendar, please submit this form at least two weeks in advance. We reserve the right to edit content and deny events that don’t meet our standards. But if you’re an authorized representative of a bona fide community organization, you’ll be okay.