Community Calendar

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Bridge Card Game

Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States


St. Joseph American Legion Post 464 28866 Post 464 Rd, St. Leon, IN, United States

Friday: 4 pm - Beer Garden Opens 5 pm - Fun and Games for Everyone 5 to 8 pm - Fish Fry 7 pm - Karaoke Saturday: 3 pm - Beer Garden Open Lunch Stand [...]

Carnegie Hall Open for Tours

Carnegie Hall 14687 Main St, Moores Hill, IN, United States

Open Sunday - 1 pm to 5 pm or by appointment Carnegie Hall was built in 1907 as an additional building for the College of Moores Hill. It houses 3 museums, a local Military, Indiana [...]

Knights of St. John Breakfast

Batesville Knights of St. John's Hall 111 South Vine St., Batesville, IN, United States

Knights of St. John Commandery #243 will sponsor a breakfast with pancakes, sausage, goetta, biscuits and gravy, and scrambled eggs. Free Will Offering All proceeds will go to the Knights Scholarship Fund for St. Louis [...]

Holy Family Church Festival – Oldenburg

Enjoy the Quaint German Town and surroundings and Hometown Hospitality! Home of the Onion Dome! Delicious chicken and roast beef dinners 11am-4pm Money raffles, quilts, variety raffle, basket booth, silent auction, country store and more! [...]

Veraestau Open for Tours

Veraestau Historic House 4696 Veraestau Ln, Aurora, IN, United States

Veraestau Historic Home Veraestau is set on a bluff with a sweeping view of the Ohio River and Kentucky below! It was nominated to the National Register of Historic Places in 1973 Info: 800-450-4534

Ripley County Crop Hunger Walk

St. Peters United Church Of Christ (Finks Church) 1463 W County Road 700 N, Osgood, Indiana

RIPLEY COUNTY CROP Hunger Walk to be held on Sunday October 6th 2019 Registration 1 pm Walk starts at 1:30 pm.  Walk will begin and end at St. Peters UCC (Finks Church) on the corner [...]

Golden Gate Community Choir Practice

Osgood Methodist Church 313 S Walnut St, Osgood, IN, United States

You are not obligated to attend every practice, but you are encouraged to attend as many as possible! This year's Christmas cantata, Come Let Us Adore You, which features familiar songs such as Away in [...]

Tonk Card Game

Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

Send Us Your Event

To get your event on our calendar, please submit this form at least two weeks in advance. We reserve the right to edit content and deny events that don’t meet our standards. But if you’re an authorized representative of a bona fide community organization, you’ll be okay.