Community Calendar

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Special Olympics Breakfast

Batesville Knights of Columbus 624 Delaware Road, Batesville, IN, United States

The Batesville Knights of Columbus will be having our annual Special Olympics breakfast on October, 27th, serving from 8 AM to 11:30 AM. This is a free-will offering.

Butchering and Sausage Fest

Bernard Hurst Post 77-American Legion 1290 Fairfield Ave, Brookville, IN, United States

Open to the Public! Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Hashed Browns, Goetta, Pancakes, Biscuits/Gravy, Fruit Cup, Orange Juice, Milk, and Coffee Carry Outs Available! Adults - $10 (all you can eat) Children (12 and under) - $4 [...]

St. Louis Super Sunday Bingo

St Louis Church 13 E St Louis Place, Batesville, IN, United States

$15,000 Total Pay Out! Cash Raffle, Door Prizes, and Pull Tabs Ticket Package: play all day for $45 includes paper games, door prizes, a raffle ticket, and a meal Early Bird Games begin at 1 [...]

Milan Community Dollars for Scholars

Milan Elementary School 418 E Carr Street, Milan, IN, United States

We serve a delicious dinner complete with turkey, dressing, and all the trimmings. Funds raised will provide financial support for Milan High School graduates. Price:  $8 Adult/$4 Child

Emily Prifogle Benefit Luncheon

Wiedman Heating and Electric 7041 E State Rd 46, Batesville, IN, United States

Emily is fighting HLH, a rare life-threatening immune disorder that destroys healthy organs and tissues. We will be having a Pulled Pork Lunch (Freewill Donation). Silent Basket Auction. Green Mountain Grill Raffle: Tickets 1-$5.00 or [...]

Corn Hole Tournament

Baylor Trucking 9269 E SR 48, Milan, IN, United States

To benefit Greyson's 2nd fight with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis silent auction, kid's games, face painting, split the pot, pumpkin decorating, longest throw contest 1st place prize - $250 2nd place prize - $150 $30 per [...]

Golden Gate Community Choir Practice

Osgood Methodist Church 313 S Walnut St, Osgood, IN, United States

You are not obligated to attend every practice, but you are encouraged to attend as many as possible! This year's Christmas cantata, Come Let Us Adore You, which features familiar songs such as Away in [...]

Leona Purcell’s 99th Birthday Open House

Milan Villa Apartment Milan, IN, United States

Join us for an open house to celebrate Leona's 99th birthday.  Refreshments will be served.

Turkey Bingo

St. Joseph Campus, St. Leon 7536 Church Lane, St. Leon, IN, United States

Doors open at 5pm Bingo starts at  6pm Food and desserts will be available

Brum Woods October Walk “Owl”-O-Ween Night Prowl

Brum Woods Huntersville Rd & 229, BATESVILLE, IN, United States

Brum Woods October Walk "Owl"-O-Ween Night Prowl Join us for a night of Halloween fun with owls and other nighttime creatures at Brum Woods west! Learn about and listen for owls on a spooky walk [...]

Send Us Your Event

To get your event on our calendar, please submit this form at least two weeks in advance. We reserve the right to edit content and deny events that don’t meet our standards. But if you’re an authorized representative of a bona fide community organization, you’ll be okay.