Community Calendar

Have an event you’d like to promote? CLICK HERE

Golden Gate Community Choir Practice

Osgood Methodist Church 313 S Walnut St, Osgood, IN, United States

You are not obligated to attend every practice, but you are encouraged to attend as many as possible! This year's Christmas cantata, Come Let Us Adore You, which features familiar songs such as Away in [...]

East Central Marching Trojan’s Showcase

East Central High School 1 Trojan Rd, St. Leon, IN, United States

The East Central Marching Trojan's Showcase features a presentation of the culmination of over 200 hours of dedication which comes together in their show titled "Warriors." The event features excerpts from the warmups and routines [...]



Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States


Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

Pioneer Thanksgiving

Batesville Memorial Public Library 131 N. Walnut St., BATESVILLE, IN, United States

Join us for our annual Pioneer Thanksgiving at the Annex. The display will be open to the public on Tuesday, November 26 at the following times: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM 5:30 PM - 7:00 [...]

Euchre Card Game

Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

Library Board Meeting

Batesville Memorial Public Library 131 N. Walnut St., BATESVILLE, IN, United States

Tonk Card Game

Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States


Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States


Greensburg Adult Center 905 E. Main Street, Greensburg, United States

Send Us Your Event

To get your event on our calendar, please submit this form at least two weeks in advance. We reserve the right to edit content and deny events that don’t meet our standards. But if you’re an authorized representative of a bona fide community organization, you’ll be okay.