CAFO approved near Brookville Lake

Brookville, In. — Our news gathering partners from the Franklin County Observer say the Board of Zoning Appeals has approved a confined animal feeding operation near a residential/recreational area near Brookville Lake. The farm with a capacity of up to 4,800 swine was debated, then approved on 3 to 1 vote.

A standing room only crowd of about 100 people endured over 4-hour wait until 11:30 p.m. outcome. There were no farmers that spoke in favor of the operation. Several farmers said the location is not suitable. Nearby residents spoke against the confined animal feeding operation because of their concerns about air quality, odor, loss of property values, impact on existing businesses and possible pollution of Brookville Lake with algae.

In the end, the attorney for the CAFO owners convinced the Board of Zoning Appeals that they had no discretion and had to approve the permit. Earlier in the evening, the Area Planning Commission rejected the CAFO. However, the Board of Zoning Appeals overruled them.