BMS Football Hosted South Dearborn

BMS football hosted South Dearborn on Tuesday evening. The 7th grade improved to 4-0 with a score of 24-0. Logan Schneider had 2 touchdowns and a 2 point conversion. Jarod Zins added a touchdown and Tucker Suddath had a 2-point conversion. Abram Powner had a safety on the defensive side.

8th grade was victorious 30-0 taking them to 3-1 on the season. Cam Anderson threw for 3 touchdowns and ran in a 2 point conversion. Dakota Helcher, Beckett Jones, and Issac Deputy were on the receiving end of passes. Lane Higham and Zach Reed added 2 point conversions. On defense, Benson Harrison recovered a fumble and Lane Higham and Cam Anderson each intercepted the Knights.

The Bulldogs will travel to Lawrenceburg next Tuesday to take on the Tigers a 6:00.

(Submitted by the school’s athletic department.)