Sunman, In. — The American Legion Sunman Post #337 will hold a blood drive Saturday, January 26 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Basic Donation Criteria:
You must meet all of the following criteria in order to donate:
- Be at least 17 years old. (16-year-olds may donate with parental consent*)
- Females under the age of 19 may donate once in a 12-month period.
- Males under the age of 19 may donate twice ina 12-month period.
- Weigh at least 110 lbs. (body weight) –*16 – 18 year olds please see weight requirement chart in the High School brochure.
- Generally feel well and healthy
- Have no fever, sore throat or flu-like symptoms
- Have no active cold symptoms
- Have not had major surgery recently (released from doctor’s care)
- Requirements for automated red cell donors:
- Men must be at least 5 feet 1 inch tall and weigh at least 130 pounds
- Women must be at least 5 feet 3 inches tall and weigh at least 150 pounds.
- Males under the age of 19 may donate red cells once in a 12-month period.
- Females under the age of 19 are not eligible to donate red cells.
- The donor beds at our Neighborhood Donor Center can accommodate up to 350 lbs. (each center has one bed that can accommodate up to 650 lbs.). The Mobile Bus can accommodate up to 350 lbs. and the donor beds used at our set ups at businesses and schools can accommodate up to 500 lbs.
The following criteria may affect your ability to donate and result in a temporary deferral:
- Tattoo/Body Piercing*– These are acceptable if sterile technique was used in a biohazard controlled facility in Ohio, Kentucky or other selected states; if done in any other manner, you must wait 12 months after the procedure was performed. See, here, also.
- Pregnancy– You cannot donate while pregnant; you may donate six
weeks after the pregnancy has ended.
- Allergies– You may donate the day following your allergy shot.
- Travel* – If traveling to a known malarial country, you must wait one year after your return; if you lived in a known malarial country more than five years, you must wait three years after immigrating to the U.S.
You may donate if you are taking the following medications:
- Aspirin -Platelet donors must wait 2 days after ingestion.
- Birth control pills
- Blood Pressure Medication – Provided your blood pressure is under control.
- Antibiotics – After course is completed and feeling well.
- Diabetes medication– Oral medication is acceptable; insulin dependent diabetics may donate provided they have not used beef-source insulin since Jan. 1, 1980.
- Heart Disease/Other Medications*
You may NOT donate at any time (permanent disqualification) if you have/had:
- Tested positive for HIV
- Participated in high-risk behaviors associated with HIV infection. At this time, this does include any sexual contact between men within the past 12 months. Hoxworth Blood Center is regulated by the FDA and must abide by this policy.
- Spent time in Europe that adds up to five or more years (since 1980)
- Other* (between 1980-1996) If you spent three months or more in the United Kingdom or were a member of the U.S. military, a civilian military employee or a dependent of a member of the U.S. military.
- Certain forms of Cancer*
General recommendations to help with the donation process:
- Eat a good meal and drink plenty of non-caffeinated and non-alcoholic fluids before and after donating
- Bring your last three years of foreign travel history
- You may donate again in 56 days (eight weeks), unless you donated a double red cell (112 days)
To schedule an appointment go online here or call 812-623-3685 or 800-830-1091.