(Batesville, IN) – In late February, Batesville High School (BHS) Freshman Community students continued their professional skills development series, gaining valuable insights from local community members.
This particular event focused on sharpening communication skills through practice and feedback while emphasizing the attributes of confidence and empathy.
“As part of our Bulldog Ready community-connected educational model, community members collectively crafted the ‘Portrait of a Graduate’ document, which summarizes the skills and attributes necessary for our students to succeed,” explained Kyle Laker, BCSC Bulldog Ready Coordinator. “This professional development series was developed to provide opportunities for students to learn from community members through real-world practice. The most recent event’s theme was centered around what are popularly known as adulting skills.”
Students engaged in five rotations:
Rotation 1: Practicing 3-minute conversations (#BulldogReady goal: sharpening communication skills and showing empathy)
o Scenarios included meeting a significant other’s parents, talking to a checkout clerk at the grocery store, going through the line at the funeral home, talking to adults at a family gathering, and many more.
Rotation 2: How to call and make an appointment (#Bulldog Ready goal: sharpening communications skills)
o Students called the BCSC administration building, where staff answered the phone, pretending to be the office with which the student needed to make an appointment.
Rotation 3: How to address an envelope (#BulldogReady goal: expand community awareness)
o Students addressed envelopes for notes they had written, thanking community partners for their help with the Bulldog Ready community-connected learning model.
Rotation 4: How to tie a tie (#Bulldog Ready goal: confidence)
o Students practiced this skill with teachers (pictured).
Rotation 5: How to dress for work (business casual versus casual; business professional versus business formal) (#Bulldog Ready goal: confidence)
o Students were provided with a scenario for work and had to select from among sample clothing pieces what would be appropriate to wear, given the occasion.
“This was a wonderful learning opportunity for our freshmen,” said Laker. “It was a valuable experience for them as we impart not only knowledge but also the practical skills our students will need as adults. While some of these activities may seem simple to adults, teens need practice to learn how to navigate these situations.”
BCSC would like to thank these community partners for sharing their expertise and experience:
Becky Walter – Margaret Mary Health
Angela Linville – City of Batesville
Katelyn Labolt – Amack’s Well
Shelby Cole – Ivy Tech
Shayla Sattler – Friendship State Bank
Brianna Weberding – Batesville (Casket)
Ethan Hirt – Batesville (Casket)
Teri Baker – Global Atlantic
Brandi Merkle – Ripley County Chamber
Justin Sutherland – Batesville Christian Church
Mike Kick – BCSC
Brian Hoffman – Baxter
Eric Benz – Baxter
Nicole Johannigman – Baxter
In addition, BHS would like to thank the John and Joan Hillenbrand Vision Fund for its $2,000 grant that supports the freshman community experiences this year. For this particular event,
support from the Vision Fund helped pay for the envelopes and postage for the students to mail their notes.
“This is our first year implementing our Bulldog Ready programming,” Laker concluded. “It’s impressive to already have so much community involvement in helping our students. There are
many ways to get involved, and I encourage individuals and businesses to reach out to me if they are interested.”
To learn more about Bulldog Ready, contact Laker at klaker@batesville.k12.in.us or visit the BCSC website at https://batesvilleinschools.com/bulldog-ready/.
(Batesville Community School Corporation press release)