Batesville Sky – Winter Wonder open now through late February

The Batesville Sky – Winter Wonder display will be open through late February. (WRBI Photo)

BATESVILLE, IN — The switch was flipped Wednesday evening on the Batesville Sky – Winter Wonder light display in downtown Batesville.

The winter-themed display is hanging from the structure used earlier this year for the Umbrella Sky Project, which attracted a huge number of visitors.

The Batesville Area Arts Council (BAAC) was the driving force behind the new display.

“We purposely went with a winter theme because in the area we live in, we have some very gray days in January and February, so we wanted it to be able to stay up for a long time even after the holiday lights are down,” said BAAC Executive Director Sarah Heppner. “Hopefully it will bring some art and some cheer to people on some of our grayest days.”

The display consists of a 200-foot lighted tunnel decorated with more than 100 snowflakes.

Batesville Sky – Winter Wonder will be up until February 28.