BATESVILLE, Ind. — Monday night, the Batesville City Council approved Ordinance #1-2017.
This ordinance prohibits smoking at the city parks as follows, “No smoking or vaping shall be permitted in any of the city’s parks, with the exception that smoking or vaping may be permitted in Liberty Park, other than inside any structures located in said park where it shall be prohibited. Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than $1,000. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day that a violation occurs or continues.”
In new business, the council approved a contract with the town of Sunman, for the town to use the Batesville City Court to enforce Sunman Ordinance Violations.
2 different Belterra Fund requests were made, both by Batesville Fire and Rescue.
The first request was for a new backup generator for the station. The fire department is requesting $11,000 to finish the project. The total cost of the project is $56,000. The council decided to table the decision until the March meeting to find a few more bids to find a better price on the right size generator.
The second request was for an auto loading power ambulance cot. The department is requesting $8679.19, while the total cost for the new cot is $32,000. The second request was approved.
At the end of the council meeting, Mayor Mike Bettice took time to thank many of the firefighters and first responders for their aid in fighting last Monday’s apartment fire. Mayor Bettice said there were 53 firefighters on scene.
Mayor Bettice also took time to thank the numerous volunteers and donors that helped with the relief effort. Bettice says he is overwhelmed with the generosity of the community and is thankful to live in a such a community.
In the board of works meeting prior to the council meeting, the board approved two street closures for different 5Ks as well as two parking lot usage requests.
The board approved a contract with LADD engineering to begin different studies for upcoming projects on the north side of Batesville.
Finally, the Board of Works approved a four-year contract with Medicount Management for EMS billing services.
The last contract was for three years for the city to determine whether the company was worth the fee.
The city approved the four-year contract as they have seen an increase in EMS revenues with Medicount.