Batesville Boys Soccer scores Senior Night win over Spartans

Batesville Boys Soccer held its Senior Night Thusday against Connersville and came away with a 1-0 victory.

“Both teams fought to possess to ball towards the opponent’s goal,” said BHS coach Kyle Hunteman. “At 26:35 in the first half, Sebie Trainor got the ball in the midfield and split the defense with a through ball for Ian Carpenter to run onto for a one-on-one goal.”

“During the second half, neither team could change the 1-0 score,” Hunteman continues.  “Batesville’s keeper Niko Montoya made several close shot saves to deny any equalizer. The seniors were honored for one final time on their home field after the match victory.”

The JV teams played to a scoreless tie in one-half of action.

We thank coach Hunteman for the information.