Batesville Post 271 vs. Madison Post 9 (Regional Tournament)
Madiosn won 15-5.
271: 000 040 1. 5-0-2
9: 410 131 5x. 15-18-3
For Post 271.
Brendan Henderson 0-4, reached by error, rbi
Brandt Ricketts 0-4, rbi
Aaron Haley 0-3, bb, reached by error
Baker Howard 0-2, bb, run
Cody Roleson 0-2, hbp, run
Kyle Siefert 0-1, 2 bb, 2 runs
Anthony Butz 0-3, run
Zach Pottschmidt started and took the loss for Batesville pitching 6.1 IP.
Aaron Haley and Brandt Ricketts pitched in relief.
Post 271 ends the season with a 2-8 record.
Courtesy of Batesville American Legion