Batesville 8th graders raising money for D.C. trip

Batesville, In. — In order to help fund the class trip to Washington, D.C., beginning Friday, November 10th, the 8th grade class at Batesville Middle School will be selling $10.00 gift certificates to local restaurants.

The following businesses will be supporting the students in their efforts to raise money towards their Washington, D.C. trip in May.  Gift certificates are available to the following restaurants:  Cricket Ridge Restaurant, Classic Pizza, Lil’ Charlie’s, Fireside Inn (Enochsburg), Pearl Street Pub, The Brau Haus, Ertel Cellars Winery, Pizza Haus, Pizza King of Batesville and Greensburg, Randy’s Roadhouse, Skyline Chili of Batesville, The Hobo Hut, Ison’s Family Pizza, The Big Four Café, and Wagner’s Village Inn of Oldenburg.

Contact any 8th grade student or stop by the middle school before Tuesday, November 28th for certificates.