Batesville 7th Grade team beat Milan 26 – 22 on Tuesday night.
Seth Gausman led the Bulldogs with 11 points and 5 steals. Colt Meyer added 9 points, John Thompson and Jake Cruse 2 points and Drew Kiefer and Clay Grunkemeyer chipped in a point each.
The 7th grade is now 8 – 3 on the season.
Courtesy of Bulldogs Coach Tony Gausman.
The 8th Grade Bulldogs improved to 8-3 on the season with a win at Milan last night by a score of 41-29.
Leading scorers were Trey Heidlage with 14 points, Sam Haskamp 10, Cooper Williams 7 and Lane Oesterling with 6.
The Dogs improved their lead every quarter.
Our next game is this Thursday at BMS against Franklin County.
Courtesy of Bulldogs Coach Terry Giesting.