(Batesville, IN) – One of the highlights of Mayor John Irrgang’s State of the City Address Tuesday evening involved the transition in leadership of the Batesville Police Department.
Retired police chief Stan Holt was publicly recognized for his 32 years in law enforcement, including the past 18 leading BDP.
Holt is moving into a new role as the city’s Code Enforcement Officer.
His successor as police chief, Mike Manus, was sworn in by Mayor Irrgang.
“I have a great opportunity to continue what Stan has put before us in the 32 years he gave to the community of Batesville, and I just to make sure that I continue to grow everything that he’s put into place just to continue that forward and, not only that, but to grow on top of all of the good stuff that we have going for us,” Chief Manus said. “As a group, we’re going to continue to move forward as a department and do everything we can to not only improve but also to be able to effectively serve the community.”
Manus has been in law enforcement for 13 years – all of it with the Batesville Police Department.