(Batesville, IN) – Mayor John Irrgang on Monday night asked City Council to review Batesville’s current animal ordinance.
Police Chief Stan Holt, whose department is in charge of enforcement of the ordinance, says there are several issues that need to be addressed, including breed-specific dogs.
The current rules prohibit pit bulls in the city limits, but there’s a strong move to specify aggressive animals in a revamped ordinance.
There is also no limit in the ordinance on the number of pets a household can own, which will also be considered by council.
Holt says the community does a good job, overall, when it comes to controlling their pets, but adds his officers are quite busy when it comes to reuniting strays with their owners by posting the animals’ pictures on social media.
The city does not have an animal control officer or department, so the bulk of getting strays back home falls on local volunteers.
“It’s not only cleaning the ordinance up but also try to help take the load off these volunteers who are out there volunteering their time because of their love for pets,” Holt said. “Anything we can do to reduce the load for them would be great.”
He says now is a good time to look over the ordinance and revise it wherever necessary.
Council recommendations on how to revamp the ordinance could come as early as next month’s meeting, which is set for April 14.