Campaign Set for Brookville Sportsplex

A state grant program could aid in bringing a new recreational sportsplex to Brookville.

The Franklin County Community Foundation is spearheading the sportsplex project and is partnering up with Indiana’s CreatINg Places Program which is headed up by Indiana Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch. CreatINg Places says it will award a matching grant to the community foundation if a campaign goal of $39,551 is met by September 27th of this year and that would kickstart the sportsplex which would be built to transform a vacant lot near Brookville Town Park.

Franklin County Community Foundation Director Shelly Lunsford says the sportsplex will be a multi-use complex and include ADA-compliant pickleball courts. Lt. Governor Crouch says the state is excited about the prospect of the new addition in Brookville and says it will make physical activity more attainable and fun for everyone in the community.