(Greensburg, IN) – Doug McMillan, Governor of the Indiana Kiwanis District, recently visited the Greensburg Kiwanis Club and presented Bill Blasdel with the Col. J.L. McCulloch Award.
This is a lifetime achievement award for service to Kiwanis and the community.
This award is presented in memory of Col. J.L. McCulloch, the first Governor of the Indiana District Kiwanis.
Bill Blasdel joined the Greensburg Kiwanis Club in 1968 and has served as President several times over the years.
His leadership has helped the club serve the Greensburg community and Riley Hospital.
Each year, the 146 Kiwanis Clubs over the state of Indiana donate at least $250,000 to the Riley Hospital for Children.
The Greensburg Kiwanis Club serves the Greensburg community in several ways.
They sponsor and help coordinate the Aktion Club for special needs people. The K in Aktion Club stands for Kiwanis. The Aktion Club meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at DSI.
The Kiwanis Club helps sponsor a very nice Christmas party for the Headstart kids from low-income families.
They support Trunk or Treat, Breakfast with Santa at Lake Santee, ring the bell for the Cheer Fund, academic jackets at North Decatur, co-sponsor the Top 10 Academic Seniors from North and South dinner, and cook pork chops for several events throughout the year.
The Greensburg Kiwanis Club’s major fundraiser is their annual Pancake and Sausage Breakfast each year held in conjunction with the Fall Festival. This helps the club support Riley Hospital.
Bill Blasdel has been instrumental in helping the Greensburg Kiwanis Club remain successful in serving the community and Riley Hospital.
He has brought in several new members over the years, most recently his granddaughter Grace Vanderbur, who was elected President of the Greensburg Kiwanis Club.
The Greensburg Kiwanis Club was chartered in April 1926.
Membership is open to anyone interested in serving our community and Riley Hospital.
For more information visit their Facebook page or contact Grace Vanderbur at (812) 593-4820.
(Greensburg Kiwanis Club press release)