BIG program renews for 2022

BATESVILLE, IN — The City of Batesville is continuing its efforts to provide assistance for storefront renovation projects. The Building Improvement Grant (BIG) provides matching funds to small business owners wanting to renovate the exterior of their structure.

This is a matching grant program where tenants and property owners can receive dollar for dollar matching funds up to $5,000 to finance direct costs associated with approved renovation projects. The grant will have one grant cycle this year and the application is due March 1, 2022. The proposed project must be completed by December 31, 2022. Awards will be announced within one business week following the March Economic Development Commission (EDC) meeting.

The program is for permanent exterior façade projects and must be completed within six months of signing the grant agreement. Tenants must have a minimum of two years remaining on their lease or an option to renew to receive funding.

“Renovation plans must be approved by the Economic Development Commission (EDC) and are subject to local ordinances. The EDC will determine award levels up to the BIG funding level for the calendar year,” said Economic Development Director Sarah Lamping.

Grant funds must be used for permanent exterior/façade improvements. Eligible projects can include but are not limited to awnings, windows, painting, structural or design changes, removal/replacement of incompatible exterior finishes or materials, and door/window replacement or repair.

Interested in applying or learning more information? Contact Economic Development Director Sarah Lamping at or by calling (812) 933-6113. Application instructions are available on the City’s website at by clicking on the Economic Development and then the Incentives tab. Applications can be submitted at the Memorial Building or by contacting Lamping.

(City of Batesville press release)