Tyson Library 2022 Bookmark Contest now open until early March

VERSAILLES, IN — The annual Tyson Library Bookmark Contest is now open.

Entries are being accepted from any child preschool-aged through grade 12.

Each design should be about Tyson Library, books, or the fun and adventure of reading.

The winning designs will be printed as the official Tyson Library bookmarks for 2022.

The library will give away and use the winning bookmarks throughout the year starting during National Library Week in April.

There are six categories based on age/grade level: Preschool, Kindergarten and First Grade, Second and Third Grade, Fourth through Six Grade, Seventh through Ninth Grade, and Tenth through Twelfth Grade.

Entry forms are available at the check-out desk and at www.tysonlibrary.org.

The contest rules are as follows:
• The bookmark design must fit in a space eight inches by two inches.
• Pencil drawings are often not reproducible, thus not accepted.
• Drawings can be hand or computer-drawn in color or black and white using ink, crayon, paint, or other media. Computer graphics may be submitted electronically via email to [email protected]; however, an official paper entry form must also be submitted with the appropriate name, age, and signature. These can be scanned to the above email.
• Limit one drawing per person.
• Submitted drawings must have the child’s name, grade, and a guardian’s signature authorizing the library to use the drawing.
• Drawings must be received in the library by 6 pm on March 7, 2022. Entries can be dropped off at the library, attached to an email to [email protected], or faxed to (812) 689-7401.

Winners of the bookmark contest will be notified prior to March 21, 2022, and the printed bookmarks will be available after April 11, 2022.

(Thank you to Tali Crowe from the Tyson Library for the story information)