Frye ushers partnership with Purdue Global and IVFA

Statewide — As a former firefighter, Representative Randy Randy Frye holds first responders in high esteem. Fyre has been seeking a partnership between Purdue University Global and the Indiana Volunteer Firefighters Association (IVFA) that will afford all members of the association the opportunity to pursue bachelor’s degree offerings that will help advance their careers.

Purdue Global will provide a free portfolio assessment and capstone course to 250 IVFA members residing in Indiana who enroll with the university. The portfolio waiver is valued at $1,500 and is open to the first 250 eligible members who submit their credentials for either Academic Prior Learning Portfolio (EL206) or Pathway to College Credit, Portfolio Development (LRC100) for assessment.

To qualify for the bachelor’s capstone tuition waiver eligible individuals must first submit an experiential learning portfolio.

The launch date for the program is March 1. The Purdue Global course waivers are available to the first 250 IVFA members who are Indiana residents, complete a Purdue Global portfolio development course and submit a portfolio for review by Jan. 30, 2022, enroll in Purdue Global, and enter their bachelor’s degree capstone course no later than Dec. 1, 2026.