Madison women convicted for 13 years for dealing meth

Madison, IN — Miranda Mercurio, 29, was recently convicted of 13 years in jail for dealing in Methamphetamine according to Jefferson County Prosecutor David Sutter. Joint investigations with the Madison Police Department and the Indiana State Police led to the conviction.

The case began with an arranged controlled buy of methamphetamine through the confidential informant in July of 2019. During three separate occasions, Mercurio sold approximately 1 gram of methamphetamine to the C.I which resulted in Mercurio’s arrest. In a controlled buy, an undercover officer or a confidential informant arranges for and purchases drugs from a suspected drug dealer. In such investigations, as was the case here, the controlled buy is on audio and videotaped, as well as monitored in real-time by nearby police officers.

Mercurio pled guilty to one count of Dealing in Methamphetamine as a Level 3 Felony and two counts of Dealing in Methamphetamine as Level 4 Felony. The Level 3 felony carried a sentence of 8 years and will run consecutively to the Level 4 felonies which will run concurrently resulting in 5 years, for a total 13-year sentence.

Mercurio will serve 8 years in the Indiana Department of Correction with 5 suspended to Community Corrections.