Gift card program puts $74,000 back in to community

Greensburg, IN—The Stellar organization consisting of the Economic Development Corporation Greensburg Decatur County (EDCGDC), Decatur County Tourism, Decatur County Community Foundation, Mainstreet Greensburg and the Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce got together and presented the Devoted 2 Decatur County program where the community was able to go online and purchase $20 gift cards to participating local, independently owned businesses in Decatur County. Those gift cards actually had a value of $30 thanks to a few major sponsors: EDCGDC, Decatur County Tourism, Decatur County Community Foundation, Kova Fertilizer, and Schutte Excavating.

In just three days, Decatur County residents were able to infuse approximately $74,000 back into 44 different businesses within the county. There were over 470 different customers who purchased 2,445 cards.

If your company or organization would like to help sponsor a second wave of the Devoted 2 Decatur County Program, please contact Bryan Robbins by email at