City of Batesville Awarded for Winter Safety Initiatives

Batesville, IN—The City of Batesville was awarded the winner of the Indiana Public Employers’ Plan (IPEP) Winter Hazard Awareness contest. IPEP conducted the statewide contest to determine what municipalities are doing to prepare employees for winter safety through plans, checklists, and trainings.

Batesville was recognized for the program that reminds employees of the dangers of slipping and falling on snow and ice. Wellness Coordinator Cindy Blessing led the “walk like a penguin” initiative which included inflatable penguins and signage outside of all City buildings as well as the “Ice and Snow Take it Slow” posters that involved each department.  

“We felt this was an ideal winter program as having the inflatable penguins and signage outside of our buildings not only reminds our workers to play it safe but also is a reminder to the community,” Blessing said.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were more than 20,000 workplace injuries nationwide due to falls from ice, sleet, and snow in 2016. Nearly 30 percent of those falls resulted in more than a month off work.

“Workplace safety is incredibly important to us as we have departments that work in a variety of different environments,” said Mayor Mike Bettice. “In Batesville, we remain firmly committed to providing the training and programs that keep our employees safe.” 

IPEP Risk Management Specialist Aaron Aslup said, “We are very impressed with the City of Batesville’s commitment to keeping their employees safe. Taking proactive measures in the winter months will reduce work-related injuries allowing the City to focus on the safety of their community.”

IPEP is the largest provider of public entity workers’ compensation in the State of Indiana with 600 active members providing coverage for well over $1 Billion in public worker wages.