Batesville CYO Deanery Scores

Batesville CYO Deanery Scores
Sunday  (12-15)

All Saints #1 77 –  St. Louis #1 58
Leading scores for St. Louis were Seth Gausman with 16, Jon Thompson with 15, Adam Cox with 9, and Evan Vogelsang with 8. Leading scores for All Saints #1 was Griffin Werner with 26, Brady Spangler with 16, and JJ Stenger with 13.
St. Louis #2 51 – St. Mike’s (Brookville)  35
Leading the way for St. Louis was Kurt Seifert with 21, and Jack Abplanalp and Luke Wilson with 12. Leading the way for St. Mike’s was Strotz with 20 and day with 7.
Holy Family 41 –  All Saints #2 40
St. Mary’s #1 (Greensburg) 48 –  St. Maurice’s/Immaculate Conception 39
St. Mary’s #2 (Greensburg) 52 –  St. Catherine’s of Siennas 29
Next games are Sunday, January 5th
Games at St. Louis starting at 1:00, 2:15, 3:30 
St. Louis #1 vs St. Mary’s #1
St. Louis #2 vs St. Mary’s #2
Holy Family vs St. Maurice/Immaculate Conception
Games at St. Joseph’s (East Central) at 1:00 and 2:15
All Saints #1 vs St. Michael’s

All  Saints #2 vs St. Catherine’s of Siennas

Courtesy of Bruins Coach Fuzz Springmeyer.