Batesville Bulldogs Basketball Annual Alumni Game

The basketball program at Batesville is going to hold its ninth annual Alumni game on November 29, 2019. The goal of this event is to highlight the tremendous tradition of Batesville Basketball, to which you have directly contributed. This season marks the 100th SEASON OF BATESVILLE BASKETBALL! It is my hope that you will be able to join us and reminisce with former teammates.  

Alumni Letter

Alumni Information Sheet

The games will be played at Batesville High School and the schedule is as follows: 1:00 p.m.: All former players can participate.  We will have officials and special game rules (i.e running clock). I hope this day of basketball is enjoyable for all while allowing us to unite the program all the way through to the current players.   

Admission will be $5.00 for fans attending the game. We hope to offset all costs and raise funds for the basketball program. Additionally, if any of you have an interest in sponsoring or a contact that would be interested, please forward the information. We do $100 sponsorships and sponsors are included on the t-shirt. 

Courtesy of Batesville Bulldogs Coach Aaron Garrett.