GHS Student Council seeking donations

Greensburg, IN—Over the past year, the Greensburg High School Student Council embarked on a project to raise money and erect a monument to be located at South Park Cemetery that will honor the six Medal of Honor recipients from Decatur County, all who were Union soldiers in the Civil War. The Medal of Honor is our nation’s highest military honor. This six-foot tall memorial was designed by Danny and Diane Scheidler of which they have volunteered their time. The project was approved recently by the South Park Cemetery Board.

GHS Student Council has raised $6500 so far and is now seeking donations for the final $1000.

All donations will be acknowledged at the dedication ceremony. Donations can be made out to Greensburg High School and sent to Greensburg High School, 1000 E. Central Ave., Greensburg, In. 47240, attn: Melinda.