INDOT public meeting announced

Lawrenceburg, In. — The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a federally mandated four-year funding and scheduling document for surface transportation projects in Indiana.

Project types involving pavement and bridge facilities, projects addressing safety, congestion, mobility and emergency response can be found in the STIP. In addition, this document includes investment in various modes of transportation including transit, pedestrian trails, and bicycle facilities.

Only projects in which construction and operating funds can reasonably be expected to be available, are included in the STIP. The STIP is updated every two years.

States are required to develop STIPs and do so in coordination with:

  • The Federal Highway Administration
  • The Federal Transit Administration
  • Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
  • Local Governments in Non-Metropolitan Areas

The STIP document will cover fiscal years 2020 through 2024 (INDOT fiscal year is July 1 thru June 30). More information coming soon regarding viewing the STIP on-line via the INDOT website, ways to submit comments during the public comment period and related next steps prior to document approval.

As part of INDOT’s commitment to public outreach and engagement, 12 public open houses are scheduled this spring to raise awareness of the STIP, its process and to solicit input from our customers as we meet with communities around the state.

During the open houses, INDOT team members will be available to engage in conversation, address questions and solicit input related to a variety of topics including project selection, multimodal, highway safety, economic opportunity, Americans with Disabilities (ADA) programs, Local Public Agency (LPA) programs, public involvement, district construction, maintenance, traffic operations and transportation planning.

Speaking of planning, INDOT is updating its long-range plan for improving Indiana’s Transportation System.  INDOT’s Long Range Plan establishes a vision for future transportation investments, examining critical trends, challenges and future-year needs to provide Indiana citizens (Hoosiers) the highest level of safety and mobility possible to meet the needs of economic development and quality of life.

The public open houses are opportunities for INDOT to meet with transportation stakeholders in an informal open house setting where discussions and conversations are welcomed and greatly appreciated.