‘CHAP’ training offered by Indiana DNR

Indianapolis, In. — The DNR is seeking people to participate in training on July 11 to become a coordinator for the Community Hunting Access Program (CHAP).

CHAP is an initiative through the DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife to increase hunting opportunities for deer in urban and suburban areas. Doing so can help alleviate human-deer conflicts. CHAP provides community partners with financial and technical assistance to administer hunting programs in their communities.

As part of the program, managed hunts are administered by a certified CHAP coordinator trained in hunting safety, deer biology and public relations. The community partner determines when and where managed hunts occur, what hunters can participate, and which certified CHAP coordinator they use or contract.

Training for people interested in becoming a certified CHAP coordinator will take place on July 11. Before attending training, those interested in becoming a CHAP coordinator must complete the following prerequisites:

1) Any state-sponsored Hunter Education certification.
2) Any DFW-Approved Firearms Instructor Training. Examples include: National Rifle Association (NRA) Firearm Instructor Training, Indiana Hunter Education Instructor Academy, 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Certification, etc.
3) Any DFW-Approved Formal Deer Hunting Training. Examples include: NRA Hunter Clinic Instructor Program Certification, QDMA Deer Steward 1 Certification, etc.
4) Provide name and birthdate for routine DNR background check.

To sign up for coordinator training, or for questions regarding prerequisites, email south region urban biologist Megan Dillon at mdillon@dnr.IN.gov.