Directions for drive-thru vaccination clinic in Osgood

Osgood, IN — If you have an appointment for a vaccine with the Ripley County Health Department (RCHD), please keep the following in mind:

• You MUST have an appointment.
• Please bring an ID.
• Wear a mask.
• Show up on time.
• Please dress accordingly, you will not be getting out of your vehicle and the vaccine will be administered in your arm. Please do not have layers on.

For the vaccine process to go smoothly, it is important to enter on Beech Street. You will then continue to the driving path on the left for registration. Once you are registered, you will drive through the Farm Bureau Building for your vaccine. You will then park by the basketball goals and monitor for symptoms for 15 minutes. Once you have completed your 15 minutes and feel safe, please exit behind the Purdue Extension Building.

If for some reason you have to cancel your appointment, please call the RCHD office ahead of time. We are beyond grateful to be able to start this vaccine process! If you are needing to register for a COVID vaccine and you are a healthcare worker or 80+ years old, please visit or call 211.