Greensburg, IN—Greensburg Community Bread of Life, Inc. is announcing its annual fundraising event known as “Farmers Feeding the Flock” will have a 35-acre field to be planted with soybeans for 2020. This is the third year for this popular and most successful fundraiser to help the Bread of Life to best meet the needs of those that are facing food insecurity in the community.
This year S & G Farms will be helping with a 35-acre soybean field on the east side of the county. In addition to providing the 35-acre field, S & G will also donate the soybean seed to plant the field and will do all the fieldwork from planting to harvesting. This planting date of late May should provide for a good soybean crop to harvest in the fall. Again, as we learned last year, the weather must cooperate.
It is interesting to learn about the cost of the planting through harvesting cycle. In 2018, the cost per acre of our 38-acre soybean field was $315 per acre. Last year’s 28-acre cornfield cost was $365 per acre. This year’s soybean field comes to $340 per acre. This cost per acre includes planting, spraying, max till, seed with fungicide, fertilizer, weed control chemicals, combine harvesting, hauling to bins, and crop insurance.
For additional information or if you would like to volunteer at Greensburg Community Bread of Life call 812-663-1055, 812-662-4887, or click here to go to the website. You can also contact them by email at