Indianapolis, In. — Indiana-The 2017 Methamphetamine Lab Statistics for Indiana has been released. The numbers are encouraging as the total number of Meth Labs seized in Indiana dropped to 371 for the year of 2017. This is a reduction from the number of labs seized in 2016 which was 943 and a large decrease from the number of labs seized in 2015 when it was 1,452. The highest number of Meth Labs seized was in 2013 with 1,808 labs seized.
Law enforcement is encouraged about the reduction in the Meth Labs seized but understand that the fight is far from over and total victory over the problem would be zero Meth Labs seized. The reduction in the numbers is a direct result of the combined effort of enforcement, education and rehabilitation by police, the courts, jails and the overall community awareness.
Unfortunately, another reason for the reduction is the increased flow of cheap Methamphetamine being funneled into the United States and eventually into Indiana by Latin American Criminal Gangs. The increase in the rise of Heroin use is also a factor and an extremely disturbing fact.
The Indiana State Police is committed to continuing the fight with the relentless pursuit of drug dealers and continued education to the public about the dangers of drug use. To continue to win these types of battles in the war, we must continue to have the cooperation from the communities we serve. Please contact the Indiana State Police Post at Sellersburg and report drug activity. You can remain anonymous.