IndianaCareerConnect.com is the #1 source of jobs in Indiana. Find a career close to home that matches your skills and experience or explore training opportunities to help you get the job you want. Search over 99,000 jobs located in your back yard for free!
Hoosier Hot 50 Jobs
The Hoosier Hot 50 is a listing of the 50 fastest growing, high-wage jobs of tomorrow. This listing shows what jobs will be the most in-demand by 2018 in the state of Indiana. Take a moment to explore the profiles of each position online at www.HoosierHot50.com. Inside each job listing you’ll meet a Hoosier who will give you an inside look at the position, along with salary information and education/ training requirements.
Service and Volunteering
Hoosiers are a dedicated and selfless people who have a long and proud tradition of helping their neighbors and those less fortunate than themselves. Across Indiana, committed volunteers in faith and community-based organizations bring unique skills, services, and resources to address many of the state’s unmet needs surrounding housing, hunger, and health. Indeed, there are many opportunities for Indiana’s robust civic sector to partner with government to deliver services more effectively than either can do alone.
Fast-track your future! Take your skills to the next level with WorkINdiana. The WorkINdiana program allows you to earn your high school equivalency and a career certificate at the same time, giving you the boost you need to get the job you want. Pick from 30 different certificates ranging from Certified Nurse Assistant to Computer Technician. Choose a program today and start earning tomorrow! Visit www.in.gov/dwd/adulted_workin.htm for more information or stop by your local WorkOne to choose a program today.
Indiana Career Explorer
Whether you’re looking for a new career or exploring career and college options, this online tool provides all the resources you will need to make it happen for you. Take control of your future, visit www.IndianaCareerExplorer.com. It is fast, easy, and free!
National Career Readiness Certificate
The National Career Readiness Certificate proves you have the skills needed to succeed in the workplace and shows Hoosier employers you have what it takes to do the job. Visit your local WorkOne and find out how to get certified today.
Veteran Services
At WorkOne, veterans go to the front of the line and each office has an onsite veteran’s representative that assists with employment needs. Services provided to veterans include: direct job referrals, resume development, training and grant assistance, interview coaching and much more. Speak to a veteran’s representative at your local WorkOne or visit www.in.gov/dwd/2424.htm for more information.
Hoosiers with Disabilities
WorkOne welcomes all Hoosiers and provides reasonable accommodations to ensure that its buildings, programs, and services are accessible.
WIN Career Readiness Courseware
Worldwide Interactive Network (WIN) Courseware is free online training available to Hoosier job seekers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can work at your own pace. WIN can give you the boost you need to update your skills and stay competitive in the job market. Visit Indiana’s WIN website, http://ingov.wincshost.com.